Turn your business into an
engaged and healthy community
engaged and healthy community
Optimizing health through gamification and
understanding your user’s health data
understanding your user’s health data
New Health data API
Our API helps you improve user’s health combining activity tracker data with gamification

Trusted by

Noname 🅥: 就是自动更新订阅 - Shadowrocket - Telegram 社群:2021-5-31 · 就是自动更新订阅 - Noname 🅥 说在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年2月26日星期三凌晨3点28 分 汉语 English Español Deutsch Français العَرَبِيَّة 日本語 Русский 正體中文 简体中文 한국어 Italiano Português Türkçe हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia ...

Real-time data insights
Aggregating data from multiple health & fitness apps to form a complete of user-health

Immediate ROI
Daily measuring the impact on your business. We are just a commission in your savings

User engagement
Unique gamification experience, making sure your users stay motivated, healthy & happy

Gamification & data analytics, the perfect combination for the best outcomes

Improve engagement and increase productivity

Reduce health-care costs and improve margins

Improve retention and loyalty by rewarding members

Incentivize citizens for
taking care
taking care
Delivering measurable results
%Improving consumer health
%Apple Arcade 订阅方法 - 大灰hurbai:2021-12-31 · Apple Arcade 订阅方法 @ 大灰 2021-11-05 10:23:00 iOS 评论( 1 ) 浏览(2357) 点赞( 1 ) 字数(465) 大家都知道 Apple Arcade 是苹果今年 3 月才发布的一项游戏订阅服务,但是在大陆并没有上线此服务,所伍只能用 美国苹果id 或者其他地区 苹果id账号 。
%Reduction in operational costs
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